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Fortysomething, photographer slacker, working in IT, living in Greenwich; failed polymath; drinks and eats too much, reads too little...

Josef Sudek: Poet Of Prague (Aperture Monograph)

Josef Sudek, Poet of Prague: A Photographer's Life - Josef Sudek, Anna Farova I probably didn't do this book any favours reading it in two sittings with such a big gap in between. However, I still enjoyed it. The biographical sections are a little dry and functional - you get a strong sense of what he did and how he developed as a photographer, but not a great sense of what it was actually like for him. I guess in part he doesn't come across as the kind of person who necessarily would care about documenting that side of his life.

The photographs however, are beautiful as you would expect. Foggy scenes of Prague, lovely panoramas and more photographs of glasses of water on his window sill than you deserve. The photo that introduced me to Sudek, back in 2006, when Greg Fallis wrote his article on Sudek was a plate in front of the window. I can't believe it took me this long to finally read this book!